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We are a friendly group with an interest in all things to do with gardening and horticulture.  You don't have to be an expert to join us - we welcome anyone with an interest in gardening, at whatever level of expertise.  Equally, it doesn't matter if you just have a general interest in gardening, looking to grow your own vegetables and fruit, or have a keen interest in a particular species.  All are very welcome!

We meet on the first Wednesday/Thursday of every month, except January and August, 7pm for 7.30pm start, usually at Caryford Hall.

We invite a wide range of speakers on gardening topics with occasional visits to interesting gardens.  Suggestions from members would be very welcome!

A plant sale is usually held at the beginning of May.

Our Annual Show at Caryford Hall in Maggs Lane is on the first Saturday of August each year.  This is open to anyone.  Classes include vegetables, fruit, flowers, homecraft, art, photography, crafts and more.

Interested in joining?  See 'Become a Member'.



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